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for Junior/Fresher

Students WorldwideFull support for your first job hunting in Japan - Webinar about working in Japan, information about Job Fair, selection events, and job vacancies.Explore More
International Students in JapanSpecial Selection Process for international students, seminar about working in Japan, all support to get an offer(career counseling).Explore More
日本人・海外大生はこちらES・Webテスト免除の特別選考フロー、日本就職に関するセミナー、内定獲得までのサポート(個別カウンセリング)はこちらExplore More


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for Mid-Career

Mid-CareerWe have a wide range of jobs from business jobs to engineering jobs for foreigners, global talents, and bilinguals. We have a large number of positions available for mid-career professionals and recent graduates with work experience.Explore More
Mid-Career High ClassWe have high-class executive jobs (over 8 million yen/year) from business jobs to engineering jobs for foreigners, global human resources, and bilingual professionals.Explore More

Our Services


Sharing Information about Japan

General information about job placement and life in Japan, Industry and Company Information, Information Sessions/Job Fairs.

Dedicated Consultation

Professional guidance provided by consultants knowledgeable in both Japanese and international job placement. Support for Resume Review, Interview Preparation, and more.

Job Placement

Strong connections with Japanese companies such as Coordinating Job Fairs, Selection Events, Interview Arrangements.

Pre-employment Support

Consultation available until you begin working in Japan Work and Life in Japan, Visa Status, and more.


What should I do first after registering?
What should I do in a Casual Interview?
This is my first time applying to Japanese companies. What kind of support is available?
Is the service fee-based?

Work Overseas

Job Vacancies in Myanmar (မြန်မာမှ အလုပ်အကိုင်များ)

Job positions in Myanmar for those who are currently living in Myanmar

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